10th Annual SDHL Fall Forum Agenda


9:00 – 10:00 Registration Opens – Exhibitor Booths Open
  Register and please visit the exhibitor booths.  
10:00 – 10:15 Welcome and Opening Remarks
  Kevin DeWald- Executive Director, SD Health Link
10:15 – 10:30  Health Link Highlights from the Decade
  Kevin DeWald – Executive Director, SD Health Link
  Lisa Fox – Assistant Director, SD Health Link
  Lance Jahnig – Interface Analyst, SD Health Link
  Health Link will highlight the accomplishments, and robust statistics that have brought us together today.  We will also recognize and thank those who have been instrumental along the way with their support and belief in our core vision: Exchanging Information.  Changing Lives.
10:30 – 11:30 Healthcare Security: Leveraging AI to Safeguard Patient Data and Combat Cyber Threats
  Dr. Ashley Podhradsky – Keynote Speaker
  Artificial Intelligence (AI) is not only transforming patient care but also revolutionizing the way we approach cybersecurity in healthcare.  This session will examine how AI-driven technologies can enhance the security of healthcare systems, providing robust defenses against cyber threats.  Topics will include AI-powered threat detection and response, predictive analytics for identifying potential security breaches, and machine learning algorithms that can adapt to new attack vectors.  We will also discuss the ethical considerations and regulatory requirements associated with deploying AI in healthcare cybersecurity.  Attendees will learn how to leverage AI to create proactive and resilient cybersecurity frameworks that protect patient data and ensure compliance with industry standards.
11:30 – 11:45 Community Health Worker Successes in South Dakota
  Ben Tiensvold – Executive Director, Community Health Worker Collaborative of South Dakota
  Learn more about the developing Community Health Worker (CHW) workforce in South Dakota.  This presentation will include updates regarding the CHW workforce, as well as success stories, Medicaid reimbursement data, and information about CHW program sustainability.  
11:45 – 12:00 Networking Break 
  Visit Exhibitors
12:00 – 12:15 Lunch ( Lunch Provided by Health Catalyst)
12:15 – 12:45  Lunch & Learn – NEXUS SD Update
  Shauna  Batcheller – Program Director, Helpline Center
12:45 – 1:30 SD Health Link Technology Enhancements – Preview!
  Tiffany Hodgins – Vice President of Client Delivery, KPI Ninja by Health Catalyst
  Learn about the changes coming to SD Health Link in 2025!  Representatives from Health Catalyst and KPI Ninja will present an exciting overview of the new and improved technology that will be available to Health Link members as we modernize our Point of Care Exchange and add other improvements and enhancements to our network services.  You will also hear about our timeline for this work along with an opportunity to ask questions. 
1:30 – 2:00  Using Data to Augment Clinical Decisions
  Patti Brooks – Associate Professor, Dakota State University
  Julie Charbonneau – EMS QA Coordinator, City of Sioux Falls
  Justin Faber – Data Scientist & Owner of Faber Analytics
  Kyle Blotz – Health Systems Analyst, City of Sioux Falls
  This session includes two Health Link customers who are using the information from the Health Insights analytics tool to augment clinical decision making.  They will share their use cases, what type of information they have received, and how they are using that information to improve the quality of care or gain better insights into the patients within the facilities/communities they serve.
2:00 – 2:45 Executive Leadership Fireside Chat
  Kevin DeWald (Moderator) – Executive Director, SD Health Link  
  Susan Feilmeier, PharmD – IT Clinical Services Officer, Avera Health
  Rachel Haigh-Blume – Director of Information Services, Huron Regional Medical Center
  Scott Weatherill – Chief Information Officer, Horizon Health Care, Inc.
  This session will feature leadership from a diverse group of Health Link members, from our newest to our longest standing.  The discussion will showcase how collaboration with partners can help build healthier populations and highlight how health information exchange brings together partners to improve care.  
2:45 – 3:10 Networking Break –  (Afternoon Break provided by Secure Exchange Solutions)
  Visit Exhibitors
3:10 – 3:40 Health Link…The Missing Link for Improved Healthcare Utilization
  Tami Hogie-Lorenzen, DNP – Chief Medical Officer, South Dakota Urban Indian Health
  This session will describe the role of Health Link including the benefits Health Link has provided to health care centers, while exploring other areas for utilization.  The discussion will also highlight success stories for patients through having Health Link access by their healthcare team.
3:40 – 4:10 End User Experience – Dept. of Health: Office of Child and Family Service
  Fabricia Latterell, RN, BSN, MCHS, MPH – Maternal and Child Health Epidemiologist, Office of Child and Family Service – SD Department of Health
4:10 Closing Remarks – Prize Drawings


Thank you to our sponsors!